906 – laboratory-confirmed cases
238 – probable cases in Wyoming
18 – COVID-19 related deaths
The Wyoming Department of Health is actively responding to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.
Disease symptoms, which may appear 2 to 14 days after virus exposure, include fever, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat and new loss of taste or smell.
Older residents and people with certain health conditions have a higher risk of developing more serious or life-threatening complications.
Experts believe COVID-19 spreads from person-to-person mainly through close contact. Some people without symptoms may be able to spread the virus.
Wyoming residents should follow our recommendations to help avoid becoming ill and to help avoid spreading COVID-19 in our communities. Let’s help keep each other safe!
- Follow current public health orders.
- Follow advice from CDC on what to do if you think you may be sick.
- Stay home when sick and avoid contact with other people unless you need medical attention.
- Older people and those with health conditions that mean they have a higher chance of getting seriously ill should avoid close-contact situations.
- Wear cloth face coverings in public settings where social distancing is difficult to maintain.
- Follow common-sense steps such as washing your hands often and well; covering your coughs and sneezes; and cleaning and disinfecting.
- Nursing homes, assisted living facilities and other healthcare facilities should follow guidelines for infection control and prevention.
Wyoming Updates
(Weekday updates at 3 p.m. Weekend/holiday updates at 9 a.m.)
Tests completed at Wyoming Public Health Laboratory: 18,819
Tests reported by commercial labs: 17,097
(Commercial labs are required to report positive results; negative results may not be reported consistently.)
Hospital Capacity Information
Learn more about COVID-19 hospital status as reported by hospitals.
Cases by County
(First number is laboratory-confirmed cases; second is probable cases. Probable cases are close contacts of lab-confirmed cases with symptoms consistent with COVID-19.)
Albany: 26 (2)
Big Horn: 9 (2)
Campbell: 33 (13)
Carbon: 13 (9)
Converse: 14 (10)
Crook: 6
Fremont: 285 (34)
Goshen: 4 (1)
Hot Springs: 9 (3)
Johnson: 15 (4)
Laramie: 131 (72)
Lincoln: 11 (4)
Natrona: 75 (15)
Niobrara: 1 (1)
Park: 10
Platte: 1
Sheridan: 15 (4)
Sublette: 2 (2)
Sweetwater: 36 (8)
Teton: 77 (31)
Uinta: 98 (18)
Washakie: 34 (5)
Weston: 1
If you are sick, please contact your healthcare provider. Wyoming residents with general questions about COVID-19 may send an email to wdh.covid19@wyo.gov.
Non-medical information about COVID-19 is available by calling 2-1-1 or 888-425-7138.
Public health nurses can be a helpful source of information. Learn how to contact Wyoming’s public health nursing county offices.
Helpful Links
General Information
Learn more about coronavirus disease 2019 from the Centers from Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (CDC information includes prevention strategies, case counts, frequently asked questions and answers, travel guidance.)
Learn more about State of Wyoming COVID-19 resources and response efforts